Talimer built our organization around the principles of increasing access to and the diversity of the tech industry after recognizing the need to build a more inclusive marketplace for all tech freelancers. As a business owner, I have found that ensuring my growth as an ally, accomplice or co-conspirator takes a commitment to expanding my network, while increasing my knowledge and understanding by referencing trusted resources.
Along my journey I’ve discovered a few valuable daily touchstones to strengthen my awareness of the issues facing underrepresented communities – many of which also offer content to help me understand how I can advocate for individuals, mitigate industry challenges and fund programs making a positive impact on increasing access to and diversity of every industry.
Anti-Racism Daily covers a broad range of daily topical news related to the anti-racism movement, along with resources for education and activism.
Color of change is focused on amplifying awareness of systemic challenges that reinforce segregation, discrimination and white supremacy. Activism and advocacy are their focus. I like to keep them on my radar, as they’re dealing with national and regional initiatives that often have broad implications for employers.
Research, education, awareness and advocacy dominate the content in these articles and newsletters. Well written, filled with resources and citations, HBR offers insights into best practices, training and thought leadership.
If you want some no-holds-barred* perspectives on workplace culture, served with wine and movie references, this podcast is for you. Tara and Justin offer resources, case studies, education, advocacy and a lineup of great guest speakers. She also has a pretty robust website of content and materials as well as a LinkedIn feed that riffs off the podcast.
*Potentially NSFW, depending on your workplace tolerance for swearing and candid observations.
I hope you found this helpful and interesting! If you have resources that you think would be beneficial for me and my team to follow, please reach out and let me know!